I can not do both of challenges without my master support. Thanks a bunch LTTN <3.
Copy from Crypto . Util . number import *
from secret import msg_a , msg_b
e = 65537
p , q , r = [ getStrongPrime ( 1024 ,e) for _ in range ( 3 ) ]
pt_a = bytes_to_long (msg_a)
pt_b = bytes_to_long (msg_b)
n_a = p * q
n_b = p * r
phin_a = (p - 1 ) * (q - 1 )
phin_b = (p - 1 ) * (r - 1 )
d_a = inverse (e,phin_a)
d_b = inverse (e,phin_b)
ct_a = pow (pt_a,e,n_a)
ct_b = pow (pt_b,e,n_b)
print ( f " { ct_a = } \n { ct_b = } \n { d_a = } \n { d_b = } \n { e = } " )
Copy ct_a=1991374644522844726604723395302447678829362766488998002689642863876589167224123634868869407586265887639572846618361378190717796457675877867002990630200549839187693737176043693114429036857443618075597595356236777647214186597416429862630588853297534066191784060030827904725960955181749644590885127762513958644117342351741609981560458367036971039921421548984093411630930209440031060634872093143755813835906517674672118355461511837533783279547447855290393938723966500874359457216314821548439555245649159786182924722770460929014017979622168454175758261065999271764594369618940918533185330319317089809708951104047147411596
e = 65537
Idea : we can easily look that GCD of both polynomials is (p-1) ,we have to find MAX GCD of phi1 and phi 2 then brute force p-1 with k1*phi1 = e*d1-1 and k2*phi2 = e*d2-1 brute force to find MAX GCD of k1*phi1, k2*phi2 ,from p we easily brute force r and q
Copy #!/usr/bin/env python3
import base64
from Crypto . Cipher import AES
secret_code = "<flag>"
def pad ( message ):
if len (message) % 16 != 0 :
message = message + '0' * ( 16 - len (message) % 16 ) #block-size = 16
return message
def encrypt ( key , plain ):
cipher = AES . new ( key, AES.MODE_ECB )
return cipher . encrypt (plain)
sitrep = str ( input ( "Crewmate! enter your situation report: " ))
message = '''sixteen byte AES {sitrep}{secret_code} ''' . format (sitrep = sitrep, secret_code = secret_code) #the message is like [16-bytes]/[report]/[flag]
message = pad (message)
message1 = bytes (message, 'utf-8' )
cipher = encrypt ( b 'sixteen byte key' , message1 )
cipher = base64 . b64encode (cipher)
print (cipher. decode ( 'ascii' ))
Connect to sever and type any character which you want
Output : "xX+NDjg0X9tmJLobdQv9k9ds/4i9bLo8u6OoRjBMuldg6rjc+L5XlwAejtua+qoK"
(may be different depending characters)
key = b'sixteen byte key'
Copy from Crypto . Cipher import AES
import base64
enc = "xX+NDjg0X9tmJLobdQv9k9ds/4i9bLo8u6OoRjBMuldg6rjc+L5XlwAejtua+qoK"
key = b 'sixteen byte key'
cipher = AES . new (key,AES.MODE_ECB)
enc = base64 . b64decode (enc)
flag = cipher . decrypt (enc)
print (flag)
b'sixteen byte AESashell{kinda_sus}000000000000000'
Thanks for reading. Have a good day <3